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We have the incredible privilege of having Jesus present in our Church in a very special way. Each week the bread that has become His body through the prayer of the Mass is brought out and placed on the altar for anyone who wants to come into the Church to be able to pray and open their heart to Jesus.
At St Joseph's, Portishead, this takes place from 12 noon to 10pm on Wednesdays.
At St Francis, Nailsea from 2pm to 3pm on Tuesdays and from 8pm to 9pm on Thursdays.
Feel very free to come anytime you'd like to.
(NOTE: Please check newsletter for current times for private prayer/adoration)
Magical, Inspiring, Peaceful
“Three words that reflect how I feel about Adoration”
When we first talked about the idea of perpetual adoration, I thought I would be hopeless at it. Meditation is not my thing and I didn't think I could sit and focus my mind for as long as an hour - but something inside of me wanted to try.
So I started by covering shifts for people who were away for any reason - and I actually found that I enjoyed the time and it wasn't the chore I thought it might be. So then an opportunity arose for a regular slot that suited my work schedule.
Why magical; well if you think about it, what if you had an audience with the Queen on a regular basis. Would you not feel that was a really special, amazing thing to be in her company. Well for me, I think I am coming to spend time with my King and Maker, which is both an honour and privilege. I am coming into his house and he is here waiting for me which is truly magical.
Why inspiring; well most of the time when I come to adoration I am really happy but sometimes can be sad. A couple of weeks ago was an example of this. Something to do with my work was getting more and more difficult to deal with and then, just before I was leaving for adoration I had a phone call which put the final "nail in the coffin" for me. I was so distraught when I arrived that I couldn't focus my mind to do anything, but just knelt down before my King asking him for his help and guidance. When I left that day I knew exactly the way forward and how I was going to resolve the issue. He gave me clarity, strength and inspiration, and I just know that came from being with Him because it was something I had never done or thought of before.
And lastly peaceful; when you arrive into the church for adoration there is this amazing sense of calmness, serenity, stillness with Our Lord's presence right in front of your eyes. It not only gives you a wonderful sense of peace - but for me I have found an "inner peace" which I never knew existed and which I hadn't ever discovered before. Of course, we can all pray at home and at any time we know God is all around us, but if I were to liken that to when my students practise dancing on their own, it is never the same as being with me. Likewise, the power of the Eucharist is here which makes everything so much more real and worthwhile.
I would conclude by saying that adoration is now a very important part of my life and I don't ever want to be without it.
So if any of you here today are thinking about coming to adoration, I sincerely hope that you find your own magical, inspiring and peaceful moments - just like me.

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